الشحن مجاني بسرية تامة و الدفع بعد الإستلام

الشحن مجاني و الدفع بعد الإستلام

Shipping policy

Shipping policy

Every package shipped is insured and trackable in the track your order section! If you happen to have any questions or concerns about your order, feel free to contact us.

Our Standard Shipping Times are:
United States and Canada: 10 - 20 days

UK: Handling time 2 to 3 days/ Transit time 7 - 12 days

Europe: 9 - 20 days

Other countries: 10 - 21 days

Some exceptions should be expected. As some countries have particular Customs procedures.

Our products will reach you, even if you’re in a distant area! (though keep in mind that it’ll take a bit more time).

The delivery dates provided are calculated using an estimation based on the shipment date, and taking the transit time into account.
Having an incorrect shipping address, inclement weather, Customs procedures, and diverse circumstances that escape our control may affect the delivery time.
Keep in mind that import duties, along with any other fees and applicable taxes are not taken into account in the item’s price, or the shipment charges and are the responsibility of the buyer.